Welcome back!!
Term One 2025
Kia Ora and welcome back ! Our first day is Wednesday 29th January 2025.
The school office is open the week before – Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th for enrolments or queries. We have both preference and non-preference spaces available for 2025.
As always, our day begins at 8.45am so ensure your tamariki (children) are at school by 8.30am to settle in. We will start with a whakatau in the church at 8.45am to welcome our new staff. tamariki and whanau to our kura.
We have lots of communication with our whanau. Join our Pompallier Catholic School Facebook page for updates and refer to your Class Dojo posts and Skool Loop for notices and news. Our newsletters are published monthly and contain a calendar of key dates so check this out too.
Term one is our summer uniform. This includes covered in plain black shoes with plain black socks for our senior school students who attend technology. Other students are able to wear black sandals. Hats are essential as we are a sunsafe school. These are available at school if you need them so let Mrs Scutt know via the office and she can help you out.
Uniforms can be purchased at The Warehouse and we have a selection of pre-loved clothing available too.
If you have a new enrolment, please email the office (office@pompallierprimary.school.nz) if you have any queries.
We are taking on new enrolments for 2025 and the online enrolment form can be found here:
Looking forward to welcoming everyone back!
Nga mihi nui
PCS Staff
Pompallier Catholic School has a proud history of providing excellent primary education in a Christ centred environment for children from new entrant through to year eight.
We are an integral part of St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish and the Kaitaia community in the far north of New Zealand. Teaching and learning at Pompallier Catholic School is led by lay teaching staff in collaboration with the Parish Priest, the Board of Trustees, the school families and parishioners.
As a Mercy School, we proudly honour the spirit of the followers of Catherine McAuley as we live out the traditions of the Sisters of Mercy.

This is returning to school after Covid Level lockdown
Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori Movement 2021

Our Vision
Inspired through Christ, empowered to succeed.
Our Mission
Compassionate, connected, Catholic values with authentic learning and high expectations
External Evaluation
Select the button below to review our External Evaluation from the Education Review Office